Q&A – Get to know us.

Q&A – Get to know us.

Hi girls,
Today we will answer some of your questions you’ve send us via Instagram – to get us know a little better.
Q: Why did you start Chouette Club?
A: I started Chouette Club out of pure passion – I’ve always loved to play with clothing and finding a way that it gives you that extra confidence/ power during the day. I started modelling, blogging and after that I created content online – all with the same passion. After that I started Chouette Club so I could make my work out my biggest passion. I never did a study into fashion/marketing or anything like that – I worked in (crisis)care because I studied for it.
Q: How do you pronounce Chouette Club?
A: In phonetic it’s Shoe-wet Club, it’s French!
Q: What is the meaning of Chouette Club?
A: The meaning of it in French is cool/fun club – to me it’s a club where we don’t accept jalousie, love ourselves, empower other women, don’t compare and go after our dreams because that is what we all deserve. 
Q: Do you design the clothes all by yourself?
A: I’m the creative behind the brand, I make mood boards from what’s in my head, investigate, looking for designs, searching for fabrics, colors and prints. I have an experienced designer who helps me with the technical part, technical drawings and advises me in fabrics.
Q: Where do you do production?
A: We do it in Turkey, a small scaled fabric which is free of child labor and where the employees work under good conditions. I can always come there to check production even without an appointment.
Q: Are you soon starting a fashion line for men?
A: I don’t have that plan right now, just love to work for women but anything is possible in the future…